The implementation of Comet-ME’s off-grid energy solutions in the communities over the past decade has had manifold humanitarian, economic, and social benefits. Those who experience the change in the most palpable and meaningful way are the women, who traditionally bear the brunt of the manual labor involved in the day-to-day tasks of maintaining the household and its economy—from carrying water, cleaning, cooking, and doing the laundry, to milking and producing dairy products for family consumption and sale. The core activities of the energy program are the installation of renewable energy systems and regular monitoring and maintenance of all systems.
Comet-ME has developed and implemented its water program since 2013, building on our extensive experience in the renewable energy sector. The goal of the program is to provide comprehensive renewable-energy-based water services for communities struggling to survive in harsh climatic and political conditions. The core activities of the program are the installation of household pumping, storage, distribution, and filtration systems and regular monitoring of water quality.
Comet-ME has developed and implemented its community internet program since 2021. Through the provision of affordable, stable, high-speed internet services, the program aims to mitigate social, economic, educational, and gender disparities for and within vulnerable off-grid communities; to increase communities’ resilience in the face of settler and military violence—supporting documentation, dissemination of information, and advocacy efforts; and to provide tools that promote healthy and safe digital habits for men, women, and youth.
Asmahan Simry
Co-Founder, General Manager
Waseem al-Jabari
Operations Manager
Ghayda Alsukhon
Community Outreach Coordinator
Dahham Abu Aram
Maintenance Manager
Arafat Arafat
Internet Project Manager
Musab Shrouf
Energy Installations Manager
Amer Zaro
Water Project Manager
Tamar Cohen
Organizational Development Officer
Leqa Daghameen
Database Manager
Moatasem Hathaleen
Water Installation Technician
Ibrahim Makhamre
Electricity Technician
Ibrahim Awlad Mohammad
Internet Technician
Ahmad Najadah
Electricity Technician
Mahmoud Swiedat
Electricity Technician
Jalal Mhalys
Electricity Technician
Ali Hamamdi
Electricity Technician
Water Installation Technician
Ahmad Balawneh
Internet Technician
Ahmad Turkuman
Internet Technician
Mohammad Hamshari
Internet Technician
Momen Suliman
Internet Technician
Taha Al-Jamal
User Support Officer
Muhammad Amayreh
Electricity Technician
Eve Guterman
Resource Development Associate